I like fries
how do i leave my spawn point?
If Four sucks contestands up, X makes a portal and Nine uses his swingshot, then how would other algebrailians eliminate other contestants?
the realization [OC]
I don’t know if this is more or less creepy…
Tier list of how good I think the dipsters are on each island
waittt why did i think i got ffidyll first try but it’s this😭😭😭why would they have the same combinatiooon
Found this in another sub, so, what is it ?
What's your favorite letter?
spirits what does NSFW stand for?
Made it bigger, 200 upvotes to make it even bigger
Get. You're E forever.
The CloudYAY arc be like:
Why can't I light the portal?
So what do we think this guy's elements are?
Ok im back and the mythical i saw the most of was anglow, so yeah. now pick an ethereal simeimeunfd
You post something on r/AskOuija but get ZERO comments. What do you do next?
Someone replied goodbye to himself
Praying someone else understands this
Someone jizzed in my ___________.
Who do you think might be the most forgotten character
Now, I’m well aware that J might’ve been standing on top of something in this particular shot, but this, this idea is leagues funnier.
There is one Reddit emoji that looks familiar