How is it people are just naturally born good at singing, like what are they born with that’s different from me😔💔
Which actors are surprisingly good singers?
Me singing high for this -The weeknd. My phone died in the middle of the recording so I don’t have the full song but please critique what I have.
First song from Abel
How can you smoothly transition from chest voice to head voice?
Who is the better vocalist
Garage band or band lab? (Hear me out)
Did my gf technically cheat on me??
Help! I’ve regeressed.
Just look up - Ariana Grande. i’ve never sang in front of anyone, honest thoughts? :)
Trouble riffing😔
Most talented male vocalist of the 21 century (so far)
Do you think Abel is the best he’s ever been now singing wise? Or was there a point in his career where he peaked?
This was me singing high for this by The Weeknd. How can I improve?
Any mod suggestions?
Can anybody sum up how to sing with perfect technique?