Anyone else cringe when they hear this? (Apologetics)
Remembering Kenneth Kitchen
Does John 5:2 date the authorship before AD 70?
Do any of you guys evangelize when playing video games?
Biblical Unitarians are impossible
Approaching condemning college evangelical
For Christians who are confused on why certain translations of the Bible Omit words
Struggling with sola scriptura
I'm not OK.
Diverse Christian Beliefs
Tomorrow will be Bowies last day. Wish him happy birthday
What kind of bibles do you guys read?
I'm having trouble with eternal conscious torment
Practical Theology
What are your top 10 Christian books that you would recommend?
Vet said nothing is wrong with him
Josephus on Jesus and James
If someone is born deaf and blind, can they be saved?
How to respond?
Books on Hell
I’m in a religion class at a religious university, and we’re talking about Matthew and the questions scholars pose
my orange likes licking plastic
Just an observation
Something profound I learned about biblical translation
A guy came to a shelter to choose a cat, but the cat chose him first