You might be sexy Julian, but you can't teach me anything about liquor
Prostitution?! I am a Canadian citizen, I'm not doing anything wrong!
I was meant to be a drunk trailer park supervisor. Its what I was born to do.
Does it say anything about you ripping off insurance companies, pretending you're in a wheel chair, getting caught, drunk, dancing with hoes, making porn flicks? Anything in your book about that Ray?
I recognize you, 2 for 1 Tuesdays down at the King
A space exploration NES game
Shut up Flinstone I'm under a lot of pressure here!
Listen boy, while you are under my roof its my rules. And burgers is all about them rules...
Anyone remember this live?
Tommy Bean and the flappy bird brothers just started blasting us
Everybody said I was done. Cops, judges, Lahey. They all said, and I qofe, "I'd never ever grow dope again.
You'd be Surprised how many Freaky Ass Mah Fuckahs are into Big Gutted, Hairy Bitches
Dani Brand Attacked...Again!
Put your hands down boys
I make uh, $16,500 here. Randy makes $4,600. That's pretty good money
The day Gary Lasereyes caught the crabs.
Sam-Squamptch. Bag him and tag him Amanda!
Just gotta hit the ramp a bit quicker
The Province will be a safer place with these drug dealers back behind bars.
Beth: "That was so exciting! What did Fat Z say? Was he impressed you were wearing his Sean John t-shirt?'
That word makes my heart piss its pants.
Was this transcript in Howard's book?