Best hotel to stay in Tampa?
9h9s in the SB to an entire ring of limpers - 1/3 live
What decision did Tony make that had the biggest domino effect?
Should promos count in win rate?
Did I play this correctly?
Was this a punt?
If you only had $100 left in bankroll what would you play?
Played poker for 1st time and got 3rd place in field of 120 - how can this happen?
2/5 hand history (sizings check?) W TT
Live $1/$2 - should I have slow played here?
KJoff at 50nl hand
Would you fold Aces here?
What are the chances Trump will actually deport all undocumented immigrants?
Are post flop 3bets oop lower than pf on avg?
Did Sil cheat in the Executive Game?
You are given 1 million dollars a year but must choose 1 person to die every day. How would you go about doing this?
What is your favorite OMC antic?
Every time Christopher beats Adriana it’s hard to watch
What % of your Bankroll are you comfortable with on the table?
Who is the second greatest white NBA player of all time?
What is a word that has nothing to do with sex, that sounds like it does?
Gto wizard, rake for live games?
GTO nerds. Turn bet sizing in multiway pots
Artie is Dead.
Those who filed pro this year and last