Anyone have the sweet sweet combination of a narcissist mother and absentee father?
Why is there no DIM available anymore?
I feel a lot better when I am wearing a compression shirt underneath
Now I think I know where my ADHD and autism symptoms stem from
Could this be a sign I have eds?
If I remove the full gland, can gyno reoccure when on finasteride?
It's in the details. Or am I Overreacting?
How can I stop dissociating?
Ist this Manipulation?
Am I Overreacting for resenting my friend over putting on music
One of my biggest Triggers is people laughing or smiling at me when I show trauma/dissociation symptoms
Help, I need to figure out this behaviour
Cptsd: subconscious states bring out feelings of inferiority. Does anyone else relate?
What are your best “I support mental health until it’s inconvenient for me” stories?
AITA for telling a guy that liked me to leave his friends that were disrespecting me?
AITAH for my reaction to her “joke”?
Annoyed over friend for playing music
Being vulnerable got me punished
!!HUGE TW!! Was anyone else a really fucked up kid and did genuinely bad things
Binge Eating
Did you ever feel repulsed by your parents and not want to hug them or let them touch you?
ich iel
How easily do you spot narcissists?
What do you say to a women that calls herself " antifeminists?"