Caffeine ❤️
So, what brought you to the cozy little place that is(n't) my profile?
Why is he black?
Ye is a dork. R.I.P. to a Kanye a True Legend.
The best choice I ever made in my life was escaping broccoli haircut hell
Not a metal band since forever but what do yall think of Ulver?
What is your favorite school subject (image kinda related) (mine is history)
What does "What is dead may never die" even mean
Lets write Winds ourselves. (Part 1?)
Stuff you can’t stand in metal? Personally for me it’s album covers with gory artwork. I just get sick seeing gore
From these two whom you want to come back to life and why?
What's the worst marketing decision an album ever had?
why do I hate myself
is this meme aloud? cos i find it very funny
Videogame Characters Who are Pure Evil?
Monday hits harder than the red wedding
Who is it?
Whats your favorite unknown,underrated album?
guys i might have to commit suicide now
Trans Trump : Suicidal Nazis,racism is bad.
lil advanced biology/sociology lesson for yall