Debilitating scrupulosity and loneliness
What do I tell during confession?
I don't know if it is better to live with my parents or risk homelessness
Have you ever been homeless?
I am scared of moving out.
It's infuriating how I can't make any decision alone.
Do you feel anything after receiving the Eucharist?
Isn't life without God purposeless?
May I request prayer?
It is getting slightly better
I really didn't expect that it would come to this...
Moving out
I don't even know what to do
It is getting worse
I hate when mom controls literally anything
How do I live?
What to know before autism diagnosis?
How do you manage your anxiety without meds?
Ideas how to soothe OCD symptoms without meds?
How do you get your work done?
I am going to a school counsellor tomorrow again.
It's getting worse and worse
Have you beaten your sugar and caffeine addiction with meds?