Can Yall Rate My Routine?
Was wondering if anyone could rate my fitness routine or let me know if theres something with it i could improve on. I usually do a PPLPP with the same exercises on my two push days and my two pull days.
Usually for all exercises I push close to failure until the 3rd set where I try and push all the way to failure.
PPL 5 Day Split
Push -Incline Barbell Bench Press 3x 8-10 -Overhead Barbell Press 3x 8-10 -High to Low Cable Fly 3x 8-10 -Cable Lateral Raises 3x 8-10 -Cable Overhead Tricep Extension 3x 8-10
Pull -Assisted Pullups 3x 8-10 -Barbell Row 3x 8-10 -EZ Bar Preacher Curl 3x 8-10 -Face Pulls 3x 8-10 -Dumbell Zottman Curl 3x 8-10
Legs -Barbell Squat 3x 8-10 -Machine Horizontal Leg Press 3x 8-10 -Machine Leg Extension 3x 8-10 -Seated Leg Curl 3x 8-10 -Weighted Ab Crunches 3x 8-10