How do you handle this??
Hi again, I’m the guy who came in last week overly excited about The Normal Album. I think I’ve listened to that album about 30 times since that post. It’s been a long time since an album has hit this hard for me.
So I decided to listen to some other things Will has done and I cannot make it through “In Case I Make It.” Not because it’s bad - exactly the opposite. The 1 - 2 punch of Tomcats and Lastnames back-to-back is too fucking devastating to process.
Lastnames hits me in a DEEP way (I’m tearing up just thinking about the line “but think about a daughter”) and Tomcats is one of the saddest stories I’ve ever heard. For reference, I’m a 41 year-old man and the thought of a poisoned mouse dying alone and questioning his existence and place in the world has me fucking INCONSOLABLE over here.
How do people just, like, listen to this in the car and then walk into work? Am I just too soft for this?
I’m gonna go listen to Normal again. I can handle snark.
Well, that’s our time, see you next week