Should not have watched the ending of LOST

Lost is my favorite tv show of all time and it was one of my late bf’s favorites as well. We both grew up on the show and watched it when it originally aired on tv. I rewatch the show often but my bf used to always tease me about stopping at the final season. I always loved the final episode but didn’t care for the build up to it in the sixth season. So, almost 6 months after he died, I decided to watch the show again since it’s always been such a comfort show to me. And for the first since it aired 14 years ago, I finally watched the final season.

I won’t spoil it for those who haven’t seen it but I would maybe caution those who are in this group and are interested (since it’s now on Netflix). There’s a lot of talk about the afterlife and the concept of soulmates in that final season and the last couple of episodes are a gut punch.

My boyfriend took his own life in February and both of our views on the afterlife were shaky at best so this was probably not a good idea.

I loved it though. Better than I remembered but I probably won’t watch the ending again for a LONG time. It’s too painful.

But I finally watched the final season Kyle. And while it would always be sad watching it, it’s not supposed to hit this hard. I’m not supposed to understand this type of grief and heartache yet.