Help finding song - Sounds almost exactly like lalala -sam smith

Hello all, I've been googling and searching all morning after hearing lalala - naughty boy with Sam Smith. It sounds exactly like another song I've heard on the radio in the past few years, and it's driving me wild!!!

The song I'm looking for is fairly recent, male singer , pop song. Fast tempo. During the chorus the vocals are pretty high pitched and says something along the lines of , "Oh baby I'm in love with you....{some words I don't know}....touched by the way you move. " I think at some point it also says "baby I'm in love with the way".

I want to say it was a band similar to One Republic or had a similar sound.

The portion of Lalala that has the same pitch / tempo is -"I'm covering my ears like a kid...I'm turning up the volume when you speak".

Any help is greatly appreciated!!!