To stay or go…
My partner (35m) and I (36f) have been together for 11 months and have been living together for 6. I work full time and go to school and he works full time. My anxiety has been through the roof the last couple months because my partner puts in little effort into our partnership. We’ve spoken about it, but things just don’t get better. The only things he contributes to is stuff directly related to him. So we meal prep our food for the week so he helps me cook and helps with dishes, and we do our laundry separately. The only way he will help with household chores is if I ask. I have to ask him to sweep the floors (we have dogs) I have to ask him to take out the garbage and clean the bathroom. I usually do it but with school starting up again I just don’t have the time. Last time we talked he said he would help out more but it doesn’t happen. The thing is, his hobby is streaming and playing league of legends. So as soon as he comes home from work he pops on the computer. I’m supportive of his hobbies but I told him that our relationship and house stuff has to come first and he agreed. However we’re back in the same cycle of him gaming and streaming all afternoon while I’m at school and then when I get home nothing is done. The sink is full of dishes, the floors are dirty and the dogs need to be fed. He argues that he is helping me when I ask him to do something he does it (which is only true for a week after we talk about it) then it’s back to the same patterns. I’m tired of feeling like his mom. I have to remind him of everything, and if I forget then that’s it. I can’t lean or depend on him. However, when it comes to his streaming and discord community, he puts in above average effort. He never forgets to start his stream or talk with his friends on discord. It’s obvious that that is his priority. I’ve told him that I don’t want to be second to a bunch of strangers, while I pick up after him and remind him of all his important stuff. I’m at my wits end and feel like I need to end things. I work really hard and I’m going to school to become a PA. The thing is, if I was single, my life would be so much less stressful. He doesn’t even take care of himself, how can I expect him to help pick up the slack and take care of me?
Also, I bought the house we moved into on my own. He said he’d help with the down payment and never did. Then I bought the new bed and all of the curtains and the bathroom stuff and cook ware, his daughter room has a bed that was mine. And I know, it’s my house so I needed to purchase that stuff. But he has always said he would help with that stuff and never did. His car was stolen and when he got the check from that he immediately went and bought a second monitor for his computer, new headphones x2, new keyboard and desk. Meanwhile his daughter room has nothing else in it. I’m frustrated because again, it’s obvious what his priority is and it suck’s because I shouldn’t have to be the one to buy his daughter the stuff she needs for her room. That’s his kid. I’d be much more inclined if it felt like an equal partnership. But it doesn’t
People of Reddit, ladies, is this ok in a relationship?? Should I take the L and walk away?