Endpoint Agnostic Gaming

I’m aware this does come up regularly sorry for this, but I’m getting really befuddled with the scope of information so i’m looking for a comprehensive, up to date solution.

I want to add a gpu to my unraid server. I would like to run ALL my steam games from my macbook, ipad with a dual sense? Latency is important and would look opt to minimise latency on competing solutions. Options i’ve come across are moonlight in a browser or building a windows vm

Are there other/better solutions for achieving this goal?

Given the requirements, I could do with a guide for assigning the gpu, cores etc solely for this solution. I have a 13th gen i5 and use the igpu for plex transcoding, I don’t wish for that to change, additionally, solutions for powering down/off the gpu when not in use, i’m thinking something like a 4070 or whatever recommended card that would support this.

Hope that’s ok. I’m looking for responses for guides and recommendations based on experience. I’ve mainly been focused on docker containers and not really built a vm in unraid, but I do have a lot of hyper-v and vsphere experience.

Thanks for your patience.