Can a girl with a wide bulbous nose be pretty?

I feel like I was born with one of the unluckiest shapes of nose, haha. Many girls are insecure about larger noses, and they are often reassured... But only if the nose is still thin and long and looks... Noble, aristocratic in a way.

But a bulbous nose... I've never seen anyone praising it, I've never seen it on the beauty icons of any era (including the way beautiful women were depicted on the paintings, etc). I also can't recall any actress with a nose like that who is conscidered gorgeous. Cutte and fun? Maybe. But... Pretty and elegant? It feels like the oppksite of grace for me.

Would love to see more examples of pretty girls with wide round noses. If anyone's curious what I'm talking about, some of my pics can be found on my profile page (i feel like I look... Okay in them, but the nose definetely seems to ruin the overall picture).