My car-loving suburbanite dad just said "So you want them to waste money to send someone to pick you up?" when I suggested a bus stop in our neighborhood, and I do not understand his logic since a bus would serve the whole community.

I live in an American suburban neighborhood with the nearest bus stop being over an hour of walking away and the area is lacking in both pedestrian and bike infrastructure. I don't own a car and I rely on Uber to get places if I can't get someone such as a relative or friend to offer me a ride. I decided to take action and contacted the bus provider in my area. I told my dad about it and he said "So you want them to waste money to send someone to pick you up?" as if I was imaging my own personal bus or something. My dad says he'll only let me drive his SUV if I pay the insurance and I can't afford it with what I make currently. The man has 2 cars, both of which are rather new and he works an office job so he really only needs one. He has a SUV and a sports car even though he doesn't do anything that needs a sports car. Half of my income goes to Uber and it's still cheaper than paying his car insurance. What would be even cheaper is just paying the regular bus fare and being able to take the bus into town. I take public transportation whenever possible but I sadly can't take it to or from my house and that's very ironic. I'll admit that I am somewhat hyper fixated on public transportation and the ability to get places without breaking the bank so this is an issue I care a lot about. I'm basically trapped without proper affordable transportation or the ability to easily walk places. I'd go out every day if it was actually realistic for me to go places without spending a lot of money just to get there.