[PC Browser Game][2000s/2010s] Adventure/RPG game with 3 heroes
Platform(s): PC Browser Game
Genre: Adventure, RPG
Estimated year of release: 2000s/2010s
Graphics/art style: 2D, cartoonish/anime-ish
Notable characters: 3 heroes, a man with a sword, another man with a spear and a woman with a bow
Notable gameplay mechanics: Pretty sure it was similar to japanese turn-based games with character progress, experience gain, skill trees and a storyline of which i don't remember anything
Other details: The characters had color themes, both them and their weapons, I believe the swordman was red, spearman was green and bowwoman was blue, they had distinctive abilities and roles. I've played this game on popular flash game sites back in the day, both english and native to my country, so it shouldn't be that obscure, but I cannot find it now for the life of me.
Thanks for any info in advance