If there was a map released specifically based on the area you lived, what animals would be on there? (funny hypothetical discussion.)

As someone on who lives in western Oregon (US), I think it would be nice for a map to be released based on my area (I doubt it ever will, but I'm having fun thinking of it) - But if it did happen, this is what it would probably look like for me;

-Black tail deer

-Roosevelt elk

-Black bear

-Cougar/moutain lion



-Ruffed grouse

-Brush rabbit (I think that's the right name? Idc lol)

It would also probably rain a lot more than other maps (it is very wet down in this part of Oregon help), the map would be very dense with forests, with some clear sports and lakes/rivers, so it would be a nightmare for drink zone campers but honestly I wouldn't care haha.