HESI a2 2024

I am making this post because I know there are others out there who may be stressed about this exam. Especially people who have anxiety like myself. I studied for about a month but studied extremely hard the last two weeks. My overall was a 94% I took it august 27th 2024

The sections I took and what I made

Reading:84 Vocabulary:94 Grammar:92 Math:100 A and P: 100 Biology: 96

Reading: this section was hard to prepare for because I didn’t know what to expect. Nursehub was okay but a lot harder than the actual exam. If you study for this section USE QUIZLET. The Quizlet I link below has about 75% of the exact passages I had. There were a few different questions but for the most part it was pretty spot on. Other passages I got were:factories,exams,card game, rainforest, water cycle, circus


Vocabulary: I was pretty nervous for this section and literally only studied nurse Shias and all of Jenny from YouTube for this section. I barely used nursehub just because I was more focused on other sections. But please use their YouTube videos. About 70% of the words I seen were on either of their videos

Grammar: fewwwww I felt like I didn’t do good as I was taking it but ended up doing pretty good. I did not get anything covering indirect/direct objects or predicate nomitives. The test was primarily subject and verb agreement such and correct pronouns (he got the plates hisself/himself) also know lie vs lay, personal vs personnel.

Math: this was the section I was scared for the most. However I made a 100!!! To be honest don’t let all of these practice tests everywhere scare you. It was very easy in my opinion. Most fractions and ratios like x:3::3:10. It also consisted of changing percents to decimals and decimals to percents and etc…. There were like 6-8 word problems but BASIC ones. Like Sarah ran 24 miles in 1.4 hours, 1.6 hours and 1.5 hours. How long did it take her? A lot of the basic word problems can be found on Quizlet. Nursehub was a great study to use however I felt it was harder than the actual exam. Try to use the last 5 practice tests, because those are more similar than the little quizzes throughout the math sections.

A and P: QUIZLET is going to be your best friend. The Quizlet I used had like 90% of the questions on there. Only saw maybe three I was unfamiliar with.


Biology: I was so worried about this section because I’ve seen so many mixed comments on how to study. But I think Quizlet was the best study option to be honest. Know cellular respiration, anaerobic vs aerobic respiration, mitosis bs meiosis, macromolecules. Also know birds and wings are a reflection of structure and function. Nursehub was okay but I feel way harder than the actual questions. There were maybe like 3 questions I didn’t know and were really random. (Not seen on nursehub or Quizlet)

Hope this helps!!!!