Drinking just doesn't make sense anymore

Seven days ago, I went camping with my husband and kids. As usual, we each brought three cans of craft beer. Three drinks gives me a glow but nothing noticeable to by others.

When I drink, I'm chatty and like to laugh and be positive, but I also lose my ability to tolerate certain things, and so I get angry and quiet if something happens that shouldnt, and I get stuck in that zone.

My husband, howevee, gets deep and emotional and likes to get into deep/heavy conversations when drinking. He also gets super impatient and can snap at people quite easily. For these reasons, drinking with him is really hit or miss.

While camping, my child dropped a bunch of hamburger buns on the ground. She felt awful. My husband then deliberately knocked her can of pop on the ground in retaliation and said, "There. Now you know how it feels." The look of shock and confusion on her face, quickly followed by shame, broke my heart. Everyone got quiet and just silently ate their food. He never apologized until many hours later and threatened to go home and leave us because he needed space and he knew everyone must not want him around now. He's 50, btw.

Since that night, I feel like I cant even handle the idea of drinking. It hasnt been fun for some time, and now I just cant see the point in drinking. What good does it do? Like really ever? Even a small amount takes a person outside of their norm, and for what?

I always thought having a few was no big deal, but it just doesnt make sense anymore. I told my husband I dont care to drink ever again, and he doesnt see why anyone who "doesnt have a problem" would swear off drinking for good. I dont have an answer for him, I just know that the idea is a big old turn off.

After our conversation, I think its safe to say that booze is still in his future, but if its not in mine, how could this work? What do the rest of you non-drinkers do when your partner wants to still drink?