Needed: Legit Websites/Online Schools for Sterile Processing

So far I’ve had little to no luck finding any credible websites that don’t have bad reviews.

I’m not very smart when it comes to math, science, history etc. so trade schools are the way to go for me. Because of that I’m trying to find Sterile Processing courses only (not fully enroll into a college) and I’ve found a few but they didn’t have good reviews in Reddit (I find the most honest reviews come from Reddit users but I do check to make sure the companies are accredited).

The first one I found was Ed2go and it had some good reviews, it seemed like 60-70% of the people didn’t like it while the rest did. It’s credited and official and they pay for the testing as well as help you find an internship so that you can get the hours needed to start working.

The next I found was MedCerts and man where the reviews on that one horrendous. I found a phlebotomy posting on it for Reddit but the commenters were from people who’d taken other courses with them (and the phlebotomy one). I didn’t see this until after setting up a consultation and I’m set to pay them a down payment this Friday (Jan. 17th 2025). I am starting to second guess it now. I also had a rather weird/rushed overview from the rep who called me. I could barely ask any questions because he was trying to rush me off the phone (albeit nicely).

If you have any websites you’ve used and loved PLEASE recommend! I really want to get this done in 2025 so that I can start working at the end of this year to early next year. 1 year program or less, please. Self study or with a teacher is fine but late afternoon classes if it’s with a teacher.

Note: I’m in Tennessee, if you have anything that could help (like ways to obtain my minimum lab hours required) then that would be greatly appreciated!