Smallest deck that can beat A20 heart (under various conditions)?
What’s the smallest deck that can beat the heart at A20?
I believe the answer with no conditions is 0 with Nilry’s Codex.
This leads to the following questions: what’s the smallest deck that can beat the heart… 1. without any card-generating effects? (Nilry, Dead Branch, potions) (I believe here it’s 1: e.g. claw, unceasing top, medkit, and a belt full of fairies) 2. without taking any damage (and no card generating)? I think 2 is enough (claw, good instincts, plus top medkit and horn cleat (for beat of death on t2 statuses) 3. without taking any damage and without any relics? I guess this question is “what’s the smallest draw positive infinite that needs no relics and can deal with statuses?”, which I don’t know the answer to
On further thought, I think 2. can be done with just claw and abacus? Not sure the proc order for abacus (if it’s after BoD you’d need full boat relics and a block potion for turn 4?)
I guess a more general question is: what’s the minimum number of relics needed to beat the heart with 1 card while taking 0 damage? (And what if no potions?)