I got stomped by Death Guard last night
I played a 1k game against my friend's Death Guard last night. I've not played many games of 10th so i'm not annoyed I lost but what did take a lot of the fun out of it was just how one-sided the game felt. I really struggled to kill much and I really struggled to score points.
I can't tell if it was a bad match up with their toughness and our relative lack of punch, a bad list and I need to change things, terrible piloting from me, or just the recent nerfs making the army too weak.
My list
- Canoness with Jump Pack - 1x Blessed halberd Enhancement: Litanies of Faith
- Junith Eruita
- Palatine - Palatine blade, Plasma pistol, Enhancement: Blade of Saint Ellynor
- 10 x Battle Sisters Squad Ministorum hand flamer, Power weapon, Ministorum flamer, Ministorum heavy flamer, Simulacrum Imperialis
- 10 x Battle Sisters Squad Inferno pistol, Power weapon, Meltagun, Multi-melta, Simulacrum Imperialis
- 5 x Celestian Sacresants - Ministorum hand flamer , Spear of the faithful, Anointed halberd
- Exorcist - Exorcist missile launcher, Heavy bolter, Hunter-killer missile
- 10 x Repentia Squad - 1x Repentia Superior, 9x Sister Repentia
- 5 x Zephyrim Squad - Plasma pistol, Sacred Banner
The Sacresants and Paletine got whittled down from shooting and later charged by Typhus his Death Shroud Terminators. They were wiped before they really did anything and I don't know what if anything I could have done better with them. Just a bad unit currently?
I kept the Repentia back to counter charge but he never really crashed my lines. Once the Exorcist was dead, I moved them up and charged Typhus and his Death Shroud Terminators. They did surprisingly well.
One Battle Sister squad held my home objective the whole game. I tried to move the other up to a mid board objective but they died quickly and didn't really do anything.
My initial assessment is I should consider dropping Junith and a squad of Battle Sisters for some units that provide more mobility and/or damage output.
Lessons learned:
I was scared Typhus and his Death Shroud Terminators would deep strike and take out my Exorcist. I moved my Exorcist closer to my troops to try and make it harder and unwittingly left it exposed on turn 2 - it was destroyed and I think it was a bit of a turning point. Lesson: Choose where my indirect weapons are more carefully and leave them out of site. Screen them with chaff if i'm scared of deepstrike.
My Zeph arrived turn 3 via rapid ingress, moved and charged a squad of Plague Marines on an objective. They did WORK and wiped the squad with the help of the canoness. Lesson: Just because something CAN deep strike, doesn't mean it has to. I'd have achieved a very similar outcome by starting them on the board, moving them up and charging. Taking out one of his units would have been more valuable earlier in the game and the Zeph would then have had subsequent turns. Another unit of Jump infantry for mobility and frankly increased damage output when compared to Battle Sisters would probably be helpful.
Junith and her Battle Sister squad held my home objective well but saw no action until I charged them at some Plague Marines for fun once the game was essentially over. Junith was actually good in combat. Lesson: I think at 1k points this is way too many points to sit on my home objective and not do a great deal. Maybe Junith needs to leave the list which is sad because I bought her especially or perhaps she'd fare better with the Sacresants pushing up the board where her Heavy Flamers and melee can be put to better use.