[Penis Surgery] Are There Any Penis Enlargement Procedures That REALLY Work?
As the title asks, are there any enlargement procedures that produce good results? That is, are there noticeable and tangible differences for an erect penis?
Specifically, if anyone has had such a procedure, would you care to share your experiences? I'd love first hand knowledge of this sort of thing.
I am considering surgery but I see mixed reviews (mainly people talking about how the results affect flaccid length more than erect length). I also hesitate because I know I'm doing it for all the wrong reasons, I am 7" erect and over 6" circumference and I still feel inadequate. I recognize that this is fucked up but it is a thought that is gaining traction in my mind as years go by.
Every woman I've been with has fawned over my size and it's got me thinking that more would be better. Every time I see a porno I think "I wish I was just a bit bigger," even though I know how the industry works, the camera angles, the lenses used, the rare specimens chosen, etc. Still, I want more.
As any guy has, I've spent a lifetime overhearing conversations (or being outright told) about the mystical large dick and how it relates to pleasure, performance, virility, manliness, etc. etc. It doesn't matter how many threads I read about "size doesn't matter" or "average is better!" I still don't believe it and I don't think I ever will. My personal experience with women has been that size matters and they like big (even recognizing this is personal preference, and some may legitimately prefer average, I would rather be too much than not enough). Movies tell me bigger is better. TV tells me bigger is better. Magazines tell me bigger is better. Books tell me. Conversations I overhear tell me. Female friends tell me. Lovers tell me. I feel like every fucking aspect of my life reinforces this belief - and that's the hardest thing to get across to those who tell me I'm being silly. THE NOTION THAT A BIGGER DICK IS BETTER IS FUCKING EVERYWHERE. It's not just in my head. From as early as I can remember, guys hear jokes and gossip about size. Christ, it's a playground insult I can remember kids tossing at each other in 2nd grade. It's everywhere, and I concede, it has beaten me.
I know I am a capable, giving, and thoughtful lover. I enjoy giving oral and I am happy to do whatever my partner wants or needs because I get off by seeing them get off. Still, I can't get it out of my head that bigger is better and now I just want more.
In every other area of my life I am a reasonable, rational, content person. I have a great job, I am healthy, happy, fit, generous, etc. etc. I just. can't. stop. wanting. a. bigger. dick. and I'm tired of trying to feel adequate.
So... what works?