A rant/expirence with public school

We are people, we are students, we are community members, we have a voice.

Which to be fair is something that I genuinely have been wanting to say. Primarily, to my own school of course, but at this point in today's world I'd want to say a lot about our education system. Now, before I get into the education system as a whole in another post, I want to describe my school, and a little about me.

My name is Tyler .S, I am a Freshman in highschool and I have repeatedly served leadership positions. I have been president of the student council for two years in a row, aswell as president of other smaller yet organized leadership groups. I hope it continues that way, but lets move on to the first part for this post. My school life: you see, as throughout my numerous campaigns one thing I've advocated and well clearly expressed is that I want to be my classmates voice. I want to be the channel that represents us. I want to be someone you can relate to and tell your problems to, and I want to fix it. However, with my nonsensical iliberal authoritarian uncomprimising meticulous school , that has seemed almost impossible. Now you may think, why not take it up with the school board, well thats a great idea, unless your supposed democratic representitive community serving body emits facist attributes. In school board meetings you cannot adress anything that is not following the agenda or approved by the people running the said agenda. Now look, I know agendas are an important way to stay consistant and orderly, however, everything has its cons. For instance, strictly following an agenda leads to an often overlook of serious problems. Now, why not ask to propose an issue in a meeting. Well one of my friends who is a senior in highschool tried to do so, and word for word said "your just 18 what possibly could you know." now as a much younger student that bold propostorous claim seems to me a little oppresive. It's like saying we, as students don't matter when it comes to community issues. From my self-expirence as president of the student council, all we've do every year is do 2 fundraisers that had to follow a strict code of rules, and organize homecoming and prom. Which is more like a committee's job than a student councils job. The diffrence between the two is how much their power is limited. They both hold exponential power in most schools, however they both are diffrent. A main diffrence is that a student council has a more broader representative role, than a committee designed to soley focus on certain tasks or intrests. Quite frankly, by definition our student council is not a council but a committee, because our voice, the voice that the people oppressing us are supposed to listen to is being limited. You know what I've been told more times than I can count is that this "elected important role" is there to look good on a resume. That's fine to me, but your missing a key part of having a council to represent the student body. I'm not speaking and doing elections for selfishness, I'm doing it for selflessness. I myself, see whats going on and I seek change. Then I am bound and battered by the frictioning silence of authority. Speaking of authority why not get our parents to propose it, well many times we have diffrent viewpoints than our parents and most of the time their are schulduling conflicts or little intrest in said matters. The point was for us to be represented by us, not us to be represented by someone else. We all have unique diffrent thought process, and as students I think that we should be aloud to speak up about things that affect us. To just brush us off in the end is just wasting our time and potential. Giving false promises is pointless. Half of the time higher faculties like the principal, will say that we can talk about issues, but what's the point if nothing is going to happen. I want change, not a therapist telling me im delusional. I would expect the same respect from me listening to them, but obviously not. Who cares what a kid thinks anymore right!? I mean the fact the very elected body thats supposed to have our best intrests won't even listen to us is hypocritical. Their so worried about funding they don't even care about why they were established in the first place. We have so many problems, and you know what the school decides to do.

They hire a new employee that person's tittle is counselor and GRANT manager for a program called 7 Mindsets. They believe giving us a program will help us, you know, instead of giving us representation you just give us another distraction. I wouldn't be mad about this program, except for the fact our school enforces it (even if it goes against your beliefs) and teachers that don't do it get in trouble. Another one of my friends told his mom about the program and she looked into it and made a entire facebook post saying how it goes against their beliefs and its just pushing another agenda onto kids. Well she went to the school board meeting a said stuff about this. The end result was not the school board realizing their mistakes, or not making it mandatory. The end result was my best friend being pulled out of this school. That's how much they truly care about the people their supposed to care about. Even the "good" programs the present us with, either, they get money for it or enforce it to the point where its more of a distraction and a time waster than an actual helping tool.

Idiotic Decisions

Alright number one. So my first year here we had a passing period of 5 minutes, and almost no one was tardied. Next year it was reduced to 4 or 3 mins, more tardies but not a lot. This year, the passing peroid is only 2 minutes. Now the board and admins wondered why so many people were tardied. Now can you guess their solution? Would they increase passing peroid time? Or, B, punish us. The awnser your looking for is B. Yeah, 3 tardies = lunch detention. 6= 3 lunch detentions. 9+= ISS (which goes on your record btw, espically with colleges.) Oh and also now even if you are at school for an entire day enough tardies makes you absent for that day or more. Here's another one I love. 2) So they decided school instead of starting at 8:00 A.M they would change it to 7:54 A.M. Now you think that school would end earlier since it starts earlier to awnser your question no... anyways well they forgot to inform the students and after a bunch of students were tardied they finally decided to announce it. Oh, and for our school to get a dress code pass every grade level in hs had to have atleast a 95% attendance. Due to this, the concepts of being sick is out of the question. Why? Because they also get money based off of our attendance.

Testing and Graduation One of our counselors tried to tell the seniors that they needed to focus on the TSI and not ACT and SAT because colleges look for TSI and not ACT and SAT. That is entirely false. Now why would a counsler say this? Because guess what, the more people who take and pass the TSI the more guess what? Money they get. Oh! Guess what to even promote this money making method they tell all HS grade levels they can't graduate high school unless they pass all three of the TSI's. Im sorry but this is also extremely false. It justs makes them more money. Another thing our school did for money is offer seniors to go to community/ small colleges instead of big universities (that they could get into). Now why would they do that? Guess what I found out they get money for that aswell. I'm sorry but I want a school not a corporate buisness that gambles my future for money. That puts the students down and opresses their intellect for money. They claim that their trying to help us, but they really could care less. They care more about the money, and as long as we get some benifit they would rather a few bucks or a few bands in the process of willingly and knowingly limiting our potential. The best part about it, their's no guilt. Since, the way they do it its to the point where it seems like their helping us. To most students they also believe these lies. However, once you do more digging the truth reveals itself eventually, exposing the lies in the process. Give me an educated not a institution!