Preferred batch size for Bulle R1?

You can tell your personal preference with the reasons behind it.

I am one day away from ordering an R1 and that will be a big change not only in device but also inventory. I was (am) used in buying several different beans in 1kg sizes because with my roaster I would split the kg in 4 roasts of 250g each (raw), spread in X months (not back to back of course). That would allow me to taste several different coffees over the year/months. With the Aillio it will partially change, meaning I'll need probably bigger bags for the single coffees (1kg being not enough room to experiment with the bean on the Aillio) and I am unsure what kind of batch size would work best, in the sense that:

- batch size big enough to actually have a profile suitable for an even bigger batch size (say for you and a friend, or if you want to sell)

- batch small enough to leave you room to experiment with the rest of your inventory weight but not as small as to cause a real issue.

I read the official is 350g, but then again there were people roast sampling 150g. People saying 800g and already you overheat boards...

I roast for my use and 3x or 4x 250g was my ideal roast. I had in mind of ordering from now on in 2kg batches and splitting them in 5x 400g or 4x 500g.

Any other input is welcome.

p.s. I could keep my current roaster for sample roasting but that is not really possible since it's a steel drum roaster on gas flame without any sensor so I'd rather do the batch tests on the Aillio directly.