Anyone dealt with Spiritual Abuse?
I am a Christian and grew up in a Christian home. Our religion was used against us all the time and the “grace” that is fundamental to Christianity was completely absent. When I recently went NC with my parents they tried to say we (my siblings and I) were being possessed by demons, the devil was speaking to our therapist, only they knew God’s truth and what He wanted, and then cursed us trying to invoke God’s wrath on us. My mother uBPD was always admired and praised as a saint in the church and would manipulate people against us or anyone she didn’t like in the church. Over and over, my faith was used against me and used to make me “forgive” her so she could keep acting crazy.
I’ve had very genuine and real spiritual experiences and don’t want to give up my faith but I’m really struggling because I hate what she did and how much the church reinforced her actions. I question if the majority of churches are just led by narcissists and borderlines because I often see similar traits. Also, so many people have no concept of leaving family and quietly condemn my decision. How do you separate spiritual trauma from your religion? Have any of you stuck with your beliefs after the spiritual abuse?