Finished my second quilt

This is a comm’d quilt I just finished! I’m super happy with it as it really challenged me.

The colors had been heavily altered and quilting all of the floof was tricky! (Still hate the process of Quilting lol) but it’s clear that I’m really sticking with the zen garden style of quilting I did with the Rottweiler and a very simple background.

But the most challenging part was that I decided to try out switching thread colors as I worked! Of course this caused bad tension issues (which I figured out by the time I was done to lift my foot as well as the needle and that seemed to fix the issue). So I ended up putting in at least a couple of hours worth of pulling stitches tight and hiding them.

This one even got a better border than my first!

The pattern is by ModernFFPpatterns however this one did have a couple of messed up pieces in their ordering. And I had to completely change around the colors.