This is why people think Muslims are backwards

Ppl like this are the reason I'll never get married cuz too many of them believe in contradictory hadiths over the word of the Quran. Even if this is true, please have some decorum. Attacking a sister of your own religion because you just love Trump that much? All I said is voting for Trump did not help Gaza 💀 *if the person who said this sees this, pls do us all a favour and never marry

Ppl like this are the reason I'll never get married cuz too many of them believe in contradictory hadiths over the word of the Quran. Even if this is true, please have some decorum. Attacking a sister of your own religion because you just love Trump that much? All I said is voting for Trump did not help Gaza 💀 *if the person who said this sees this, pls do us all a favour and never marry