Hey y’all. I just took the HESI A2 today for the first time and I scored a 91% on it. I only studied for 3 days + 4 hours before the exam, because my ADHD just won’t let me study for months ahead of time. Here’s how I did it:

•Anatomy & Physiology- 96%

  • HESI A2 Admission Assessment Book 5th Addition: I promise you guys this book gives you a refresher on anatomy. Just read the paragraphs and do the sample questions. Nothing too crazy.
  • NURSEHUB!!!! I swear by that. Everyone swears by that. I promise you the $20-30 is WORTH IT!!!! Do the practice quizzes for review & MEMORIZE THE PRACTICE TESTS!!! I wouldn’t spend too much time on their lecture tabs for each topic, i didn’t watch a single video. -QUIZLET. I never use quizlet. Like ever. But i had to this time lol. Look up HESI A2 quizlet and memorize it, literally most of the questions were on the exam. You can comment for the link this is my first post so i really don’t know how to add the link.

•Mathematics- 94%

(I’m a math nerd so this may be a little biased) -Nursehub. Take the math diagnostics quiz to get a brief idea on what will be on the exam, look over what you struggled with, and FIX IT. Memorize roman numerals, conversions, and °C to °F vice versa. Also military time. When you’re done studying, take a practice test at the end of the review tabs for math and check yourself. If you got around a 95-100, you’re ready. If math if your difficult subject then study that one the most. -HESI A2 Book: To be honest I kinda just focused on their conversion chart/roman numeral chart and wrote it down. Don’t focus on their sample questions if you have Nursehub.

•Reading- 90%

-HESI A2 Book: Skim through the reading comprehension section. I promise it’s not a lot, just get an understanding of the topics as a refresher. I studied reading like 30 minutes before my exam lol. Oh but do the sample questions on the book just to get an understanding of what will be on there. (Main idea, supporting details, etc.) -Nursehub: I probably look at like 3 sample questions but like i said, ADHD just won’t let me read. So i kinda got an idea and kept it moving.

•Vocabulary- 84%

-HESI A2 book: Okay to be fair, the book is NOT ideal for vocabulary. DO NOT ONLY STUDY THE BOOK If you want a better study tool, comment for the quizlet. I will personally look for the quizlet that includes the words that were on the exam. But i promise you the book IS NOT IT. Still got a decent grade but those questions threw me off. -Nursehub: Didn’t use it. Heard it was too much words and I couldn’t get myself to use nursehub. I probably woulda scored better if I did, who knows. But from what I’ve heard, it isn’t ideal either.

•Grammar- 92%

-NURSEHUB!!!!!!! This prepared me the most. Trust me I think I have amazing grammar (not in this post) BUT I DO. Take the diagnostic quiz to see what you struggle in, go thru the small quizzes/read the boxes after you incorrectly answer a question, and take notes from what you learn. I promise you it’ll help so much. I got a 73% i believe on my diagnostics for grammar, and I ended up getting a 92% on the HESI. -HESI A2 book: After taking the diagnostic quiz, go thru the HESI book and look for the topics you need to work on. They explain and give examples, but I would say use Nursehub more. Do the sample questions at the end though, it helps!

Again, I only studied for 3-4 days and this might work for you or it might not. Also only slept like 4 hours each day, and I haven’t taken a break from studying, but it was worth it in my opinion. If you have any questions feel free to ask, and good luck on your HESI A2 exam. I hope this helps a lot! (I’m doing this because I wish someone briefly explained how to study and what NOT to use lol, especially for vocab but it’s all good)