Let’s bring in the New Year complaining!! I want to hear your complaints!
I’ll start. 31 weeks pregnant and was so excited to see my sister and nephews for Christmas from out of state, they gifted me with Covid.
I was diagnosed with costochondritis so every few days or so my chest and ribs get inflamed and I think I’m having a heart attack. The ER hates to see me coming.
I’m 33 years old and on my 3rd baby so whenever I cough I pee a little.
I’ve become a fire breathing dragon and I can’t take PPIs because I’m anemic and getting infusions and PPIs can interfere with absorption.
If my hemoglobin doesn’t come up by delivery time I have to get a CSection which is my BIGGEST fear
I thought I could free ball this pregnancy without antidepressants but my anxiety is so out of control that I’m now taking Lexapro.
Let me hear it ladies