Shiny Lottery 8/31/2024~

Hello hello, everyone! I'm back with another shiny lottery and giving away 3 more shiny pokemon! Rules are the same as always~ You can enter all three, just comment which ones you'd like to be entered for! I will pick the winners on 9/1/2024 at or around 3pm EDT~ Here are the lotteries:

LOTTERY 1: Shiny Barbaracle

OT: Brianna

ID: 418424 (Ultra Moon)

Obtained via grinding the Ultra Wormhole Ride feature

Compatible Games: Home, SwSh

Winner: CryoSparks888

LOTTERY 2: Shiny Scream Tail

OT: Brianna

ID: 938801 (Scarlet)

Obtained via sandwich hunting in Area Zero

Compatible Games: Home, SV

Winner: CardNite451

LOTTERY 3: Shiny Hoppip

OT: 3abbie3

ID: 666510 (GO)

Obtained via Pokemon Go's December Community Day in 2022

Compatible Games: Home, BDSP, SV

Winner: KoRayven

Good luck to everyone!