Got my anxious pibble a puppy and things have been great

Athena (10 in june) was attacked by a boxer 5 years ago and became extremely dog reactive. When I lost my cat 3 years ago she slowed down dramatically without a playmate. My boyfriend, who we have since moved in with, is VERY allergic to cats so another was off the table. We tossed around the idea of a dog but were nervous for our senior girl to feel uncomfortable in her home in her golden years. We came across a chance to rescue a puppy from an unwanted litter and jumped on it. We are about a year in with our Cocker spaniel/Jack Russel Feebee and Athena is doing phenomenal with her. Perked her right up, they play and nap together most of the day. Fee is Atties little shadow and we’re SO glad we took the chance to give Atty a shot at another friend.