Low productivity

Hi all! So I’m probationary and my productivity has been really low. I started sounding the alarm early on when I made my transition into my current art unit from the PTA. I told my SPE and trainer I didn’t feel confident in the subject matter my art unit covered, right away. I also receive VERY difficult applications to examine on the regular which take me a while to work on. I’m always asking questions and I think both my trainer and SPE are annoyed with me at this point. I haven’t been there a year yet but it’s coming up quickly. A SPE I befriended told me to talk to my director but after meeting with him the first time, he didn’t seem too confident in my abilities. Is now a good time to resign? And if I want to find another job in the patent law area would I be able to after leaving the USPTO, or would I have to wait 6 months?

Thanks in advance!