How do we have time to cook?

Twins are 8 weeks, and we have a 21 month old. We are blessed to have physical help from a family member, but husband works full time and doesn’t get home until late evening. He jumps right into cooking (which he loves to do for us), but that leaves him fully occupied and not able to spend time with our toddler or help with babies. Me and a family member have a newborn glued to us at all times while watching the toddler, so I don’t see having one of us step aside and cook before he gets home, as the babies are super fussy when put down for a few minutes. Plus, the babies struggle with him and usually end up crying and needing me to help calm them down. I know things will get easier as time goes on and routines get established.

What are we supposed to do realistically when needing to cook dinner every night but not being able to afford takeout? Our meals are relatively quick to throw together but it seems not quick enough!!