Will I regret not having more?

So I was talking to family yesterday about how easy my pregnancy is so far and made the comment “if I ever have to do this again and it was like this, I’d would be fine” and they immediately responded with “don’t say that! Once they’re a little older you’ll miss the baby phase and they’ll become helpers” and it kind of bothered me. I always said ideally I would have two to three kids, but given that I am getting two this first pregnancy, I am not sure I’d want to go for a third one down the line. We don’t have a lot of family close by, financially I know it’s going to be harder to do things we’ve been planning on for years, and I don’t really think it gets “easier” when you have two toddlers hanging off your legs asking for a snack while you’re trying to feed a newborn and put them down for a nap. I think I would be content with just two, and I’m not totally opposed to another, but I think for my husband and I, two is what we feel fits our family and situation. I don’t want to feel pressured into a third one and not be able to be a present parent for all of them, especially when one of the family members is done with two. Why can’t I also be done with two just because it’s only my first pregnancy?