Storytime and questions: I got chased by three hyenas
So here's the thing. Im still new, I was getting up to Conflux Mountain in the starting region cause I wanted to see what was up, and as I was making the trek up, I saw a guy w a bigass weapon and what looked like a muscle hyena with I shit you not actual metal armor. Now as cool as that sounds given that I was basically wearing leather pjs and a woodcutters axe I decided to book it. On my way down I thought hey its still early why not go explore something else? I looked and on the distance was a structure that looked exotic and I thought to myself "OooOooh!" And went towards it. A couple of hyenas were roaming around but I saw the path they went and took the opposite path. "Genius" I thought. This would come to bite me later. Ok so I got where I was going and it looked like a town; "nice," I thought. "Maybe theres some friendly npcs with quests for me." However I saw a white goat monster close by and as I got closer everything looked destroyed. Cowardice kicked in and I said "imma book it." And so I did. Now I took the same path I went through to avoid de hyenas BUT THEY WERE THERE WAITING TO AMBUSH ME BEHIND A BUSH. I panicked, ran for a long long time, but these two puppers wouldnt leave me; eventually attracting a THIRD HYENA to join the chase. The level of being ABSOLUTELY lost were off the charts let me tell ya. However eventually I did manage to find the lighthouse and make my way back to Cierzo. The three assholes followed me to the door. Absolutely mental. So now, my question is: once Ive rested, will they still be there when I come out? And is it normal for enemies to follow u all the way to the city? Now dont get me wrong, I sincerely had an absolute blast running away in abject horror, but it doesnt seem the kind of thing that usually enemies do in games.