Prioritized to a project (Nature Helium) that requires me to install spyware on my personal device

As the title says, I woke up today to see that I've been prioritized to a new project that requires me to install third party spyware called Hubstaff. Their website says that it can track your mouse/keyboard activity and even take screenshots. This applies to everything you do on your device while it's running, not just the browser tab that you're doing your work in.

I have no option to reject this project and I'm unable to task in any other project even though I have access to the marketplace.

Trying to force people to install this highly invasive software/spyware on our personal devices is completely unacceptable. We're contractors, not employees. If they want to treat us like employees, give us work devices, guaranteed hours, and benefits.

In the mean time, I guess I'll just have to wait until this project disappears from my dashboard. I really wish outlier would stop it with the constant shenanigans. Every week it's something new.