Condo corporation insurance
Hi, I'm on the board of my small condo building. We're trying to keep fees reasonable, while keeping the building well maintained and it's been a struggle in the past few years.
The corporation's insurance is a big part of the problem. Since 2020, our insurance has quadrupled. It went from $11,000 to $46,000. (This is the insurance for the entire building. Owners have to insure their own belongings and any modifications they make to their units).
Anyone here is on a board, or understands insurance could point me towards a way to decrease our premiums? Our broker says it's the best he found (I'm going to ask our building manager to ask another broker to take a look).
I have been told by a few people that condo corporation insurance (I don't know what the actual term for this is) has been getting out of hand in Ontario and that some condos can't even get insured but 400% in 4 years is just insane. We haven't made a single claim during those years. We had one claim a few years ago but it wasn't outrageous. The increases started a few years after the last claim so I don't think it's related.