SDGE Rate Increases Coming (Historical Pricing and Other Details in the Post)


SDGE sent out a vague email that rates are going up, and I thought I'd share some brief details and show where you can find the details, which were not easy to find. None of the local "news" stations are linking to this either, and only mention a vague "average bill". Both electrical and gas rates are going up, so if you're thinking about either solar, heat pump tech, etc. It's worth doing some math on your own. Below is just an example of EV-TOU2, which may not be the most common unless you have an EV. Click the link above to get historical and the 2025 rates.

EV-TOU-2 Rates

On-Peak Summer (4pm-9pm M-F)

  • 2000: $0.08442
  • 2010: $0.09476
  • 2015: $0.49681
  • 2024: $0.66654/kWh
  • 2025: $0.73257

Off-Peak Summer

  • 2000: $0.06187
  • 2010: $0.09289
  • 2015: $0.22493
  • 2024: $0.42180
  • 2025: $0.47611

Super Off-Peak Summer

  • 2000: $0.05883
  • 2010: $0.09243
  • 2015: $0.17241
  • 2024: $0.24237
  • 2025: $0.25428

Gas Service, Residential (GR) per Therm baseline/non-baseline

  • 2000: $0.70546 / $0.91792
  • 2010: $0.60657 (no indicators for baseline vs non-baseline)
  • 2015: $1.35834 / $1.54462
  • 2024: $2.1071 / $2.40645
  • 2025: $2.04068 / $2.33871

The listed 2025 rate may not reflect the upcoming changes, which could be why the rate shows lower. Also starting in 2020, there's a minimum charge of $0.13151 per billing day. There are numerous details and the rate structures are very difficult for the average consumer to read and navigate.

I encourage you to bookmark the link at the top and do some math based on your bills from last year for on-peak, off-peak, and super off-peak to get an idea of what the impact is to you. If you have an EV and you're using a public charger, keep in mind those are already pushing $0.60/kWh for charging, and those rates are likely still to climb. Good luck out there!