This single exercise saved my shitty shoulders

I've been lifting for 5 years but my shitty shoulders kept me out for a total of 2 years. Couldn't even do flys with 5lbs dbs. Went to three different physios without any real solution other than external rotations with a band which didn't help.

I know Squat University gets some flak in these kinds of forums but some of his exercises are great. This should be done as a part of your warmup before pressing. Hold the band for 5s. Repeat a few times but don't go to failure. I've done thousands of external rotations with dbs and bands but I always came back injured. This is the one thing I changed that made it possible to press again. I still can't bb bench press but I can do dips and ring pushups which exploded my chest these last months, never had doms like this before.