I want to be a sysadmin. Not both sysadmin and sales person.

I'm a sysadmin at an IT company/MSP (which is moving towards being more of an MSP instead of break-fix and half-baked contracts). I feel conflicted in my job, because it feels I have two roles, both salesperson and sysadmin/engineer/support. Not just because I'm "wearing too many hats", but because I truly feel disincentivized to sell. I don't make commission, for one thing, but the main issue I feel is that if I get things wrong during the sales process, (underestimate labor, requirements, expected features, solution overall), then the outcome also becomes my responsibility, and I end up having to figure out how to support what I got myself into.

I really don't mind putting out fires, or working out a way to engineer a solution sold by someone else, even if they over promised/underestimated requirements (Because they didn't confirm with me on what can be done). In fact I really enjoy being given a problem, and finding a solution given the requirements. It's like playing Factorio to me.

I guess if I had to make an analogy, it's like you're tasking a firefighter with also creating an impressive fire-display show, for entertainment (but still also safely). If the firefighter does his job correctly, the very first rule that's ingrained in him is "don't make more fires".

I've looked at other jobs, but I am still comfortable, mostly, at this job. Pay, benefits, workload, I don't think I'd find much better overall at another place, and at the end of the day, I don't let the job stress me out. But, I just want to see good outcomes, and excel at my job, not split my abilities between making half-effort sales, and half-effort engineered systems.