Let's say Alec had remained Pathfinder the whole game. What major things would've changed?

And let's assume Scott/Sarah don't die on Habitat 7. Both Alec and the awake twin survive. How would it go?

Would he take the awake twin on the Tempest as his crew, do you think? Or would he leave them on the Nexus?

Would he let Vetra, Peebee and Drack join the crew, or would he tell them to shove off? Alec is very by-the-book military, probably doesn't like to pick up randoms.

He might let Vetra stay, since she's actually Initiative personnel (even if she was never assigned to the Tempest) and is good at her job.

Drack would be tough. He has connections to people like Vetra and Kesh, but he is basically a hobo. Maybe Alec would let him on by virtue of "Yeah I'd like having a Krogan to throw at my problems."

Peebee would be the toughest sell. She has a lot of expertise on the Remnant, so MAYBE? But I feel like they wouldn't get along in the slightest. He'd definitely tell her to get the hell out of the escape pod.

Being a veteran of the First Contact War, do you think he'd handle meeting the Angara on Aya differently? He'd probably be a lot more tense and come out of the ship fully armed.

Would he have given the Krogan the Remnant Drive Core, or kept it out of wariness? Would he save Raeka or leave her? Would he pick Sarissa or Vedaria as the Asari pathfinder?

And, perhaps most importantly, how many conversations with Tann do you think it'd take him to tell the guy to go fuck himself?