If you’re wondering if it gets better, it doesn’t

People are still insufferable and egotistical, the further you climb the worse it gets. Also the whole “don’t blame your teammates” is valid sure but it gets to a point. I had a Diamond 1 game where I was tanking(solo) we had a pretty good round 1 but I noticed things like the dps target prioritization, pushing up too far etc. All of which are negligible to a point, but once round 2 hit the enemy team swapped to 3 tanks which didn’t really affect me as much it did the healers which trickled down to me as I was now in a fight with a groot-strange on frontline while having to worry about Thor flanking my healers as the dps seemingly didn’t care. We lost the round in around 3 minutes as we got absolutely rolled. During it I asked for a second tank or Wolverine/something, none of the 3 dps swapped despite them being carried by one of the dps was carrying them. We went into overtime, still asked for another tank, the healer swapped, and then asked them to play support they refused of course and we lost the game miserably. I genuinely can’t understand how some people don’t care about winning the game to the point where they rather lose than consider swapping roles.

TLDR: Hitting GM is no longer worth it for me due to egotistical teammates.