How to become a better Tank?

After losing around 5 games in a row as a Tank main I have to consider it being my fault and not just us entirely as a team. I was Diamond 2 and dropped down to Platinum 1.

This is my first time playing any 6v6 and I absolutely love the game and really want to get better. My mains are Dr. Strange/Magento and my accuracy is decent so I’m looking for better ways to understand my role as a Tank. A lot of the time the game is me vs another tank going on and on until I get annoyed and try going for their support. I understand I’m supposed to “make space” but I’m not entirely sure what that really means. I also find myself being the one to destroy Ahnks, Peni mines, lokis, etc. is that my role or am I wasting time? I’ve watched some streamers and feel like I’m doing what they’re doing just with not enough support but that can’t be the actual reason.

I guess what I’m trying to say is that a lot of the game is a standstill until I die and then the team falls apart and we lose. What I can I do as a solo queue Tank player to make a difference? Any YouTube videos to understand the role a little better?

I also play support when it’s not working out so it’s not about switching roles but rather understand Tank better. Thank you!