Brothership: Fast Battle Plug Recharge Trick

So I haven't seen this mentioned anywhere, but I discovered that if you use a Boo Biscuit in battle, it burns through a bunch of turns (I haven't bothered to count exactly, but I think its between 5 and 10) for the purposes of plug recharges. Pair this with both Mario and Luigi wearing Quick Charge Brooches and you can recharge plugs with the quickness.

UPDATE: Further testing has confirmed a couple things:

  1. This seems to work with the Overcharged Brooch, with the added benefit of NOT costing you 5% of your health when using a Boo Biscuit.
  2. This does NOT use more than 1 charge on plugs like Countdown to Charge/Cure. You only tick one off its charges for each boo biscuit used.