Should I stay or go?
My wife's employer, as a reward for management for company performance, offered to take selected management employees on a three-day cruise (leave Friday, return Monday morning), all expenses paid. Spouses were invited at their own expense. My wife and I have never traveled overnight without our children (16 and 13), so we thought it would be a good opportunity for quality time together. The cruise was tentatively scheduled for late February, early March, so we decided that I would go; however, the dates were changed to February 7th through February 10th, and unfortunately, her employer did not reconfirm these dates would not be an issue and booked the cruise, airline tickets, hotel stays, etc.
The issue is that the Super Bowl is this weekend (the same days the trip is scheduled for), and the Philadelphia Eagles are playing. My son (16) and I watch each game together, as our quality, bonding time. It is cherished and beloved tradition that we have and missing the opportunity to watch the game together breaks my heart. Furthering the dilemma, I have never been apart from my daughter for the length of time (4 nights) that this trip will require, and I worry about messing with her daily routine by asking her to stay with grandparents for four days. Now, I am stuck between upsetting my wife, or upsetting my children.
I've already paid what was due, I had to once the trip was booked. My initial thoughts were to add our children to the trip, but my wife felt it was inappropriate and disrespectful, given it was a work-related trip for the most part. My wife and I have spoken at length, and although she would be upset if I did not go, she is completely understandable about my position. I have spoken to my children and I sense that both would be upset if I went with my wife, but neither are going to say that directly. Any input is appreciated.
Edit: Thank you for all of the input. I decided to go on the cruise with my wife. I forgot to mention that she is as big of an Eagles fan as my son and I are, so we’ll be watching the game together. Go birds.