I (F60) live in an area with larger-than-average numbers of right-wing militants, PBs, J6s, and so forth...I don't fear the govt, I fear THEM. Should I get a semi-automatic rifle?

We have a rifle and two semi-automatic pistols in the house, with which I practice regularly and am pleased by my comfort with them. I like guns, and it makes me happy to continue improving my accuracy and reaction time.

But, as my title says, I worry more about the local populace objecting to me/my family here, and less about jackbooted government thugs marching on my tiny (largely liberal) town. The amount of loyalty to the chief executive and his minions among my neighbors is what worries me more, especially when I am 99.9% certain that if he told them to kill liberals, they would just ask "how many?" My thoughts go -- calmly -- to self-defense.

We live on a hill with good sightlines. I know I can't hold off multiple attackers forever, but it would give me great satisfaction to take out as many as possible before giving up. Plus, unrelatedly (?) I have always thought having an AR-15 would be fun.

Am I considering this purchase for the right reasons? Thanks for any advice, LGOs.

ETA: Thanks a million times over for all the suggestions. I hope this day never comes, and would never be the first to fire. But even a MAGA-type would have to agree that it's best to think through all the eventualities and be prepared to care for one's family. I appreciate you guys.