WTT: Wampler, DOD, EQD, EAE, ++ WTTF: List
Hey everyone, I've got the following stuff up for trade;
Wampler Triumph
Wampler Dual Fusion v2
DOD Carcosa
EQD Special Cranker (Red sparkle finish)
Walrus Audio Eons
Catalinbread SFT (70's green wave finish)
MXR Timmy v3
YesterdayFX Black Hole Sunn (Model T in a box)
Dr. Scientist The Elements
FEELERS: I'm gonna be very picky with these (apologies)
Strymon Iridium
Stone Deaf FX PDF-2
EAE Model Fet
Caroline Meteore
Headrush MX5
Pettyjohn Iron MkII
Fairfield Circuitry Meet Maude / Barbershop v2
Neunaber Immerse
MAE Line Blur
Strymon Flint v1 or v2
Delays and Reverbs
Boss EQ-200
Fuzz (Only for Carcosa or Eons)