4B/6B4T Movement and Lesbianism

I think we can all agree that stronger female solidarity and feminism are needed nearly everywhere in the world. I've been watching South Korea for a while, and one of the movements that started to build heat in the West was the 4B movement.

I believe every country has different types/intensities of misogyny running through them, so 4B is absolutely powerful in Korean culture. But as a lesbian in America, I naturally follow the 4 tenets: no sex with men, no giving birth, no dating men, and no marriage to men.

That led me to 6B4T, which are the above, but also:

  • no buying of sexist products or from misogynistic companies/brands
  • rejecting beauty standards, like heels and plastic surgery
  • supporting other women
  • rejection of misogynistic religion
  • rejection of misogynistic fandom/otaku culture

From what I understand, you do not have to practice all of them because frankly, for some, that's impractical, but it's still a voluntary effort. 4B seems to affect straight or bisexual women mostly (or lesbians who do NOT have the freedom to be out), but 6B4T is still interesting to bring into your life.

I would love it if you guys could give me any thoughts, whether you're Western or not. The intersection of legality and acceptance of lesbians would probably lead to different answers. Are any of you taking part, or do you know anyone who is? Do any of you disagree with these tenets? All discussions are interesting and invited, regardless of where you stand... I just want to hear it from the lesbian point of view, specifically :)